DESCRIPTION OF THE IMMOVABLE PROPERTY SCHEDULE 'A': (Description of Marg Navratna Phase-I land) All that piece and Parcel of the land totaling an extent of 4.29 Acres in Velur Village (Pakkur Group), Cheyyur Taluk, Kancheepuram District and Comprised in the Survey Numbers 109/1B Part, 109/1C part & 110/2 part, within the Sub Registration District of Cheyyur and Registration District of Chenglepet, as detailed below: SI.No Village Survey Numbers Extent in Acres 1. Velur (Pakkur Group) 109/1B Part 0.55 2. Velur (Pakkur Group) 109/1C Part 0.54 3. Velur (Pakkur Group) 110/2 Part 3.20 4.29 Bounded as Follows: On the North : S.No.109/1A & S.No. 110/1, On the South : the balance portion of S.No. 109/1B, 109/1C & 110/2, On the East: S.No.74/1, On the West S.No. 109/1A & 109/2. SCHEDULE-B (Description of Apartment excluding COMMON LAND AREA) APARTMENT premises bearing No. 1A in First Floor in Block Known as Pearl 3 of extent of 899 Sq.ft., of Super built up area and 0 Sq.ft., Terrace area as per the Specification stated in Schedule - C together with an Undivided share of land of an extent of 506 Sq.ft., out of the Schedule A Property with the right to use and right of way over the Common areas in Schedule A Property, along with other lessees. SCHEDULE -C (Description of apartment to be Constructed) Apartment premises bearing No. 1A in first floor in Apartment Block/Building Known as PEARL 3 admeasuring 899 Sq. ft., Super built up area and 0 Sq. ft., of Terrace area.