Virudhunagar District, Virudhunagar Registration District, Rajapalayam Sub Registration Office, Rajapalayam Taluk, Samusigapuram Village, Ayanpunja S.No.322/1A to the extent of 1 Acre and 83 cents of land in which on the south side 1Acre and 33 cents of land which had been converted into many house plots among the plots the plot No:7 in which on the north side vacant site and its four boundaries: On the North - 20 feet width East West Road, On the South - The plot no.8 plot no.7 in which south side vacant site gifted to Anandhakrishnaveni by Marriammal, On the East -15 feet width south north road, On the West The plot no.6 vacant site. Within the boundaries East West on the both sides 17.07 mtr (56 feet) South North on the West side 12.19 mtr (40 feet) on the East side 11.58mtr (38 feet) on totalling 202.88 vacant site and building constructed by the mortgagor subsequently which is situated at S.No.322/1A1A2. As above said Ayanpunja S.No.294/2 where in the well is situated from which the right of drawing of water and it is situated at Samusigapuram Panchayat, Rajapalayam Panchayat Union