Land And Building in Madhavaram, Tiruvallur State Bank of India State Bank of India


    Borrower Name
    M/s Star Trace Private Limited
    Bank Name
    State Bank of India
    Property Type
    land and building
    ITEM C: (1). All that piece and parcel of land in Thandalkani village, New Door .478 & (Old Door No.2/87), New survey no 31/3, 31/2B, 23A/5A1, 24/4 Registration District of Chennai North, Redhills Sub Registration district measuring an extent of 97.5 cents land with rice mill, machines and EB connections belonging to Mr. K Parthiban Rasu. (Covered under Document No.6738/2017 dated 19.10.2017) a) Registration District of Chennai North, Sub Registration District of Redhills, Madhavaram Taluk, Thiruvallur District, No.19, Thandalkalani Village, New Door No. 478 & 479 (Old Door 0.2/87). New Survey No 31/3 (Old Survey NO.31/1B1C1). New Patta No.2431 (Old Patta No.2395). measuring Acre 0.61 Cents land. Rice Mill, Machineries EB Connections (EB Connection 53:13:160, 53:13:129) with deposit and including common passage and bounded on the: North: Private Common Passage South Common drainage and Land in y.No.23A/6B, East: 6 feet common passage, West: Narayanamoorthy rice mill. b) Registration District of Chennai North. Sub Registration District of Redhills, Madhavaram Taluk, Thiruvallur District, No. Thandalkalani Village, Old Survey 31/2, New Survey No.31/2B, New Patta No 2431, measuring in the southern part Acre 0.06 Cents out of Acre 0.07 Cents and bounded on the: North: S.No.31/2B common passage and 2 meter wide common water passage, South: Land in S.No.23A/5A1 East: Land in S.No.24/4. West S.No.31/4B, c) Registration District of Chennai North, Sub Registration District of Redhills, Madhavaram Taluk, Thiruvallur District, No. 19. Thandalkalani Village, Old Survey No.23A/5A as per Patta o.2431, New Survey No.23A/5A1. measuring in the western part Acre 0.08 Cents out of Acre 0.10 Cents and bounded on the: North: S.No.31/2B and 24/4, South: Land in No.23A/5B East: S.No.24/5 West: No.23A/6B, d) Registration District of Chennai North, Sub Registration District of Redhills, Madhavaram Taluk, Thiruvallur District, No. 19, Thandalkaiani Village, Old Survey No 24, New Survey No 24/4, New Patta No 2431 measuring Acre 0.22 Cents and bounded on the: North: 5 meter wide common passage and sewage water passage in S.No.24, South: Land in S.No.23A/5A1. East: No.24/5, West: Common pathway in S.No.24 and S.No.31/2B & 23A/5A1. All four items i.e, a to d, measuring Acres 0.97.5 cents land with Rice mill, machines, (EB connections Nos.53:13:160,53:13:129) with deposit and including common passage and situated within the Sub Registration District of Redhills and Registration District of Chennai North. (2). All that Piece and parcel of land in Registration District of Chennai North Sub Registration District of Redhills, Thiruvallur District, No 36. Thandalkalani Village, Survey NO.31/1B1C1. as per Patta 358 New Survey No.31/1B1C1B as per Patta No. 2404 New Survey lo.31/7, measuring Acre 0.46 Cents with 700 Sq.ft., Cement Sheet Building with EB Connection deposit, and as per Patta No 2405, Survey 31/2A measuring Acre 0.02 Cents, Survey o.31/1B2A measuring Acre 0.05 Cents, Survey NO.31/1B2B measuring Acre 0.05 Cents, Survey No.24/2B measuring Acre 0.02 Cents, totally measuring Ac.0.60 cents, including Cement Sheet Building, Modern Rice Mill Machineries, EB Connection No.53:13:295. 53:13:132, 53:13:131 and deposit, as per Patta No 2404 New Survey No.31/7 belonging to Mr. PR Maheswaran and bounded on the North: 12 Feet wide Road, South: Dharani Naidu's Land, East 16 Feet wide pathway, West Dharani Naidu land and building and 30 Feet wide common passage left by the land owners Mahendran, Gopi, Babu, Ramesh, Dharani from their lands. (Covered under Document No. 6737/2017 dated 19.10.2017). Note: As per valuation reports, the total extent of site under Item - SI. No.1 and 2 admeasures to 1.569 Acres
    1.569 Acres
    Madhavaram, Tiruvallur
    Reserve Price
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    Auction Start Date & Time
    Thu, 12 Dec 2024 11:00 AM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Thu, 12 Dec 2024 04:00 PM
    Inspection Date & Time
    07-12-2024 11:00 AM To 04:00 PM
    Bank Contact Details
    Contact :- Mrs. B. Sindu - 8838338084 / Mrs. S Vaishnavi - 9952994234
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