(PROPERTY ID NO: SBIN 77673847314): All that Part and Parcel of property consisting to an extent of A.c 2.05 cents of Land therein Un-finished RCC Roofed Residential Office Building &A.C Sheet roof Godown Rice Mill in the Name of "Sri Lakshmi Padmanabha Rice Mill" in R.S. No. 150/1, Situated Near Teja By Seeds Factory, Tupakulagudem Village, Pochavaram Panchayathi, Tallapudi Mandal, belonging to Sri Konduri Sri Rama Krishna, S/o Ramateerdha (Vide Regd. Partion Deed No.838/2015, Dated : 06.05.2015) of SRO Vegeswarapuram Sub-Registry Office, West Godavari District. Boundaries East Sudi Konda, South: Puntha, West Gajjaram to Gopavaram Road, North: Land sold to Mullapud Sri Ramachandra Murthy
Authorised Officer's Details: Name Suresh Athreya (Chief Manager), Mobile No. 9440201771, e-mail ID bi.10077@sbi.co.in For Property Inspection : 9505472472