All that piece and parcel of 01 Cottah 01 Chittacks 10 Square feet Bastu Land with Two storied residential building, lying and situated within Mouza -Thanamakua, comprised in R.S Dag No - 705, corresponding to L.R. Dag No. 879, appertaining to R.S.Khatian No - 366, corresponding to L.R. Khatian No. 5192, J.L No.40, being Municipal Holding No.141, Panchanantala Lane, Police Station-Sankrail, District- Howrah, within the limits of Howrah Municipal Corporation Ward No. 45, within the jurisdiction of the District Sub Registrar-Howrah & Additional District Sub-Registrar- Ranihati. On the North: Others Property; On the South: Property of Ashim Shee & Others; On the East Property of Niranjan Chakraborty; On the West: 12 feet wide common passage