All part and parcel of property extending of 15.38 Ares of land and other improvements thereupon in Re Sy No: 259/18, Block No 14. Azhoor Village Chirayinkeezhu Taluk Thiruvananthapuram District covered by Sale Deed No 4637/1957 dated 29.11.1957 of Chirayeenkeezhu SRO and Will No 10/11/1993 dated 05.05.1993 of SRO Murukumpuzha favouring Shri. Sivakumar C BOUNDED by Property of Sindhu in the North Road in the South Vazhy and property Sivaprasad Sivaprakash, Rathi, Sasi and Subhadra in the East, Vazhy and property of Mallika Rajan, Radha Nazeer in the West