Property Covered by Sale.Regd No 2864/2019 Dated 27.12.2009 of S.R.O Amalapuram favoring Sri. Nelli Ramji
Prasad S/o.Lakshmipathi. East Godavri District, Prensently Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Konasemma District, Kothapeta Sub-
Registry, Kothapeta Mandal, Avidi Grampanchayat, Avidi Village, Zeroiti Dry, an extent of 262 Sq.yds out of ac.0.40
cents out of full 2.10 cents in RS.No.586/1 is bounded by Boundaries: East: 54' Land of vendors Nelli Apparao and
others South: 48'6" Joint Passage West: 46' Land of Vendors Nelli Apparao and others North: 46' Joint Cart Track.