SCHEDULE-A: All that piece and parcel of land in Sy.No 210/1. Admeasunng 2224.8 Sq.Yards situated in Maruthi Nagar Village. Nagarjupalli. Kadapa Division. Kadapa Sub-Division. within the limits of Municipal Corporation of Kadapa, Kadapa District, (Near H.No 2/300) Bounded by : North : Land in Sy Nos.211. 210/2. South : Land in Sy No 209 & 208. East : Remaining Land in Sy No.210/1, West: Road SCHEDULE-B : All that the Flat No.401. in Fourth Floor. Constructed on Land in Sy No.210/1. together with undivided share of land admeasuring 34 Sq. yards or 28.42 Sq.Mts., out of 2224 8 Sq yards along with Built up area 1060 Sq. Feet (including common areas) and one car Parking Area 100 Sq Feet Building Known as "GURIJALA SHILPA SADAN" situated at Maruthi Nagar, Village. Nagarajupalli. Kadapa Division. Kadapa Sub Division. within the Limits of Municipal Corporation of Kadapa District (Near H No 2/300) Bounded By : North : Open to Sky. South : Open to sky & Flat No 402. East : Open to Sky, West : Corridor & Flat No 403 Regd. Sale deed Doc.No.4150/2015, Dated 19-09-2015