Item M-(Property ID-SBIN200001078318) : Properties in the name of M/s Trisea Realtors Private Limited Property No.1 : All that piece and parcel of land with all appurtenances situated at Survey Nos.410/1B2 (70 cents). 410/3A (110 cents), 673/2 (203 cents), 673/1B (546 cents) totalling 9 acres and 29 cents in Savarimangalam Village, Ottaipidaram Sub Registration, Sarangam, Tuticorin Registration District, Ottaipidaram Taluk, Tuticorin Revenue District, which is more fully described in the Sale Deed dated 14.02.2008 bearing Document No.335 of 2008. Property No.2 : All that piece and parcel of land with all appurtenances situated at Survey Nos. 101 (105 cents), 102 (86 cents), 103/1 (5 cents), 103/3 (51 cents), 607/1 (188 cents), 607/2 (74 cents), 607/3 (65 cents), 608 (343 cents) totalling 9 acres and 17 cents in Savarimangalam Village, Ottaipidaram Sub Registration Sarangam, Tuticorin Registration District, Ottaipidaram Taluk, Tuticorin Revenue District, which is more fully described in the Sale Deed dated 17.04.08 bearing Document No. 930/2008.