All part and parcel of 17.00ares of land with residential building and further improvements (9.80ares in Re.Sy.No.75, Block 198 in Varkala Village and 7.20ares in Re.Sy.No.142/2, Block 20 in Chemmaruthi Village) of Varkala Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District belonging to Edgar Tommy Moraes vide Sale Deed No. 269/15 dated 24.01.2015 of SRO Varkala bounded by: North- Property of Rajasree and KSEB, South- Proporty of Kabeer and Private road, East- Panchayath road, West- Property of Kabeer
9.80 ares in Varkala Village and 7.20 ares in Chemmaruthi Village