DESCRIPTION OF THE IMMOVABLE PROPERTY All the part and parcel of the property in an extent of 3887 Sq.yards or 3249.53 Sq. mts or 34,983 Sq feet being Plot No. 134. with 8924 Sq feet plinth area of construction of ACC Godowns and RCC building with Ground, First and Second Floors covered by Sy.No.226 and 228 in Gundlapalli, Maddipadu Mandal, Prakasam District, Registered at Addanki S.R.O., Prakasam District, Regd. Sale Deed Doc.No.4642/2019 dated : 04/11/2019 belonging to Shaik Khajavali, S/o. Shaik Moulali. Boundaries of Site : East: Plot No. 123, South: Plot No. 133, West : 20 Mts Width of Road, North: Plot No. 135 (Now sold to Kolisetty Sai Babu).