All that part and parcel of property having an extent of 41.17 Ares belonging to Smt. Julie Tony in Re.Sy.No. 57/1 (Sy.No.66), in Eangapuzha Village, Thamarassery Taluk, Kozhikode District comprising of (1) 6.47 Ares of land as per Jenmom Assignment Deed No.750/2014 dated 25.06.2014 of SRO Kodenchery (2) 17.81 Ares of land as per Sale Deed No.38/2014 dated 09.01.2014 of SRO Kodenchery (3) 5.77 Ares of land as per Jenmom Assignment Deed No.293/2014 dated 13.02.2014 of SRO Kodenchery (4)11.129 Ares of land as per Sale Deed No.2049/2013 dated 21.12.2013 of SRO Kodenchery and the buildings constructed in the said land covered by the aforesaid sale deeds and all structures, improvements and easements attached thereto.