DESCRIPTION OF THE IMMOVABLE PROPERTY : As per Regd Sale Deed Doc.No.1125/2015 Dt.09.03.2015 As per Regd.Rectification Deed Doc.No.1689/2021 Dt.22.03.2021 Allthat part and parcelof site admeasuring an extant of Western side AC.3.12 cents out of Ac.4.22 cents in R.S.No.518 revised R.S. No.518/3 and 518/2A bearing nearest D.No.15-9-76,LP.No.0001/2020/1076, situated at Kovvur Town & Mandal, W.G.Dist. belongs to Smt.Daprthi Anusha W/o. Lakshmi Narsimha Rao within the following Boundaries : East:-Land of Maddipatla Satya Prasanna today sold by me, Seelamsetti JaiSrinivas's land, South: Cherukuri Venkata Rao, Kantamani Hanumanth Rao, West:-Land of Nakka Saraswathi and others land, North:-Seelamsetti Jai Srinivas's Site, the land in Rs.No.517, 516/2, joint Road with a width of 40 feet leading to Municipal Road.