1. Part of Plot No. 29 ( Building /Shed constructed thereupon) measuring 110 Sq. yards i.e 2 Biswa 04 Biswansi being 44/25200 share out of 63 Bigha 00 Biswa comprised in Khewat No. 489/455, Khatoni No. 604, Khasra No. 2106(0-18) 2107(1-10), 2108(1-13), 2109(0-12), 2110(0-15), 2111(0-9), 2112(0- 18), 2113(0-15), 2114(1-7), 2115(1-16), 2116(0-15), 2117(1-4), 2118(1-13), 2119(1-10), 2120(3-3), 2121(2-2), 2122(2-5), 2123(7-19), 2124(2-5), 2125(2-5), 2126(1-4), 2127(1-4), 2128(2-11). 2129(2-14), 2130(1-1), 2131(1-4), 2132(1-4), (2133Min(2-5),2134(1-4), 2135(0-6), 2136(1-19), 2137(1-10), 2138(3-0), 2139(0-9). 2140(2-14), 2141(2-17) situated at Tarf Rajputtan, now abadi known as Sainipura near Mukhija Colony, within the limit of M.C. Panipat vide Sale Deed Vasika No. 1371 Dated 10.05.2018 registered with Sub Registrar, Panipat in the name of Smt. Sushila Devi W/o Sh. Raj Kumar Mann and mutation No.31632 sanctioned on 28.08.2019 by A.C. 2nd Grade Panipat. (SYMBOLIC POSSESSION) AND 2. Part of Plot No. 28 ( Building / shed constructed thereupon ) measuring 110 Sq. yards i.e 2 Biswa 04 Biswansi being 44/25200 share out of 63 Bigha 00 Biswa comprised in Khewat No. 489/455, Khatoni No. 604, Khasra No. 2106(0- (18),2107(1-10),2108(1-13),2109(0-12),2110(0-15),2111(0-9),2112(0-18), 2113(0-15), 2114(1-7), 2115(1-16), 2116(0-15), 2117(1-4), 2118(1-13), 2119(1-10), 2120(3-3), 2121(2-2). 2122(2-5), 2123(7-19), 2124(2-5), 2125(2-5), 2126(1-4) 2127(1 4), 2128(2-11), 2129(2-14), 2130(1-1), 131(1-4), 2132(1-4), 2133Min(2-5), 2134(1-4), 2135(0-6), 2136(1-19), 2137(1-10), 2138(3-0), 2139(0-9), 2140(2-14), 2141(2-17) situated at Tarf Rajputtan, now abadi known as Sainipura near Mukhija Colony, within the limit of M.C. Panipat vide Sale Deed Vasika No. 1372 Dated 10.05.2018 in the name of Smt. Sushila Devi W/o Sh. Raj Kumar Mann registered with Sub-Registrar Panipat and Mutation No. 31633sanctionedon28.08.2019byA.C 2nd Grade,Panipat.(SYMBOLIC POSSESSION)