All that dry land admeasuring Acres 5.15 Guntas in Sy.No. 253 situated at Peddakaparthy village, Chityal Mandal, Nalgonda District, belonging to Srl. K. S. N. Raju Vide Doc No. 2607/2012 dated 17.05.2012 and bounded by North: Agriculture land of /adiaYellalah& others, South: Agriculture land of Purchaser, East : Agriculture land of Purchaser, West : Agriculture land of A. Buchl Reddy
dry land admeasurlng Acres 5.15 Guntas ln Sy.No. 25:l situated at
Peddakaparthy vlllage, Chltyal Mandal, Nalgonda Dlstrlct, belonglng to Sri. K. S. N. Raju
Mde Doc No.26O7 BY 2012