Salem Taluk - 636006, Dadagapatti SRO, Salem East RD, K.Division, 3rd Ward, Dadagapatti Town Village, D.No.9/6, As per Re-Survey Ward-Z, Block 10, T.S.No.17/2B (Old ward Block 10, T.S.No.17/2B in previous Jameen S.No.3/1), belongs to Smt. T.Vasanthi. Boundaries North of Property of S.Devaraj. South of Property of Arunachalam, East of Mohamadhiyan Gori T.S.No.17/1, West of North-South Sengalpatti Street No1. Total Extent of Land : 1067 1/2 Sq.ft. Registered Sale Deed Doc. No. 3787/2012 dt 11.06.2012. Measurement North& South 70'0" & 70'0" East & West 15'6" & 15'0" Total Extent 1067 1/2 s.ft. With all pathway and easement right as per the Doc.No.3787/2012