All that one (Shop) room measuring an area of 250 Sq.ft. be the same a little more or less being the Ground Floor on North West side at Premises No. 53, Mott Lane, Kolkata 700 013, under Police Station New Market in the town of Kolkata together with undivided proportionate and impartible share or interest in the land beneath the said building also together with fixtures, fittings and installation therein and also together with all easement appurtenant therein unto attached plan demarcated in RED INK and annexed herewith to the said dilapidated premises butted and bounded in the following manner On the North Mott Lane, On the South Room of Group 4 Bishan Dayal Agarwal, On the East Tenant. On the West Common Passage The Gift Deed No. I-04525 of 2005 dated 28.07.2005 registered in ARA-II, Kolkata in Book No. I, Volume No. I. Pages from 01 to 22, in the name of Harish Agarwal