Property ID : SBIN200006523258 : Property/Showroom at lower Ground Floor bearing M.C. No. XIX-112/A/2 measuring 4945 Sq. Ft. (super area) or 3709 Sq. Ft. (Carpet area) and 230.49 Sq. Yards (share in land) built on plot no 407 comprised 87 666/ comprised in khasra no 1216/666/532/461, 1514/1218/6667 532/461, 1517/1218/666/5327 461, 532/461,1515/1218/666/532/461, 1217/666/532/461, Khata no 134/149, 135/150, 136/151to 153 situated at Taraf Gehlewal, locality known as Elite's Arcade, Mall Road, Ludhiana in the name of Oswal Fashion Pvt. Ltd.