Property -2: An extent of 506 Sq. Yards of Site out of Ac.5-44 cents in R.S.No.348 and nearest D.No.7-7-33, Situated at Narasayya Agraharam, Bhimavaram, Bhimavaram Municipal Area, Bhimavaram SRO Gunupudi, Bhimavaram Mandal, West Godavari District in the name of Smt. Nandyala Venkata Suseela, W/o. Eswara Sree Prasad Rao. S/o. Venkata Subba Rao Vide Regd. Doc No.4302/2007, Dt: 06-06-2007. Bounded by: East: Land of Sagi Rama Raju etc-130 Links, South: Site belongs to Thenneti Raja Babu-74 Links, West: Land of Tatiparthi Ramalinga Murthy-135 Links, North: Site of Gannabathula Nageswara Rao-84 Links.