Vacant Land in Kovur, Kanchipuram State Bank of India State Bank of India


    Borrower Name
    Mrs. Ponmozhi S
    Bank Name
    State Bank of India
    Property Type
    vacant land
    All that piece and parcel of Vacant land comprised in the following Survey Numbers- SI. Old Survey New Survey Extent in SI. Old Survey New Survey Extent in No. Numbers Numbers Acres No. Numbers Numbers Acres 1. 355/1B 0.50.18 6. 356/1 356/1B 0.60.00 2. 355/1A 0.68.84 7. 412/1 0.47.80 3. 356/2B2 1.98.00 8. 412/2 0.02.10 4. 356/2B1 1.02.00 9. 356/1A 0.52.00 5. 356/2A 1.08.00 10. 357/1A 357/1A2 0.60.00 Total 7.48.92 In KOVUR Village, Kundrathur Taluk (formerly known as Sriperumbudur Taluk). Kancheepuram District in all totally measuring an extent of 7 Acres and 48.92 Cents or 326218.30 sq ft. or thereabouts, and the said land bounded on the . Northby : Land comprised in Survey Nos.358 403 and 411. South by : OSR Land, 12 M wide road and the 30 Feet Panchayat Road leading to Kundrathur Main Road, East by: Land comprised in Survey No 357/1B & 354 and OSR land, West by : Land comprised in Survey Nos. 411 and 413 and OSR Land Situated within the Registration District of Chennai South and Sub-Registration District of Kundrathur. SCHEDULE B PROPERTY: [Property hereby conveyed]: 610.32 Sq. ft. 56.7 Sq. Mts.] undivided share and interest in the above mentioned Schedule A property. SCHEDULE - "C": [Description of the Apartment to be constructed for the ALLOTTEES/PURCHASERS]. Residential Apartment space measuring 1165 Sq. ft. [108.23 Sq. Mts.) or thereabouts of Super Built up area and carpet area 826.21 Sq. ft. [76.76 Sq. Mts ]. bearing Apartment No. 702. SEVENTH FLOOR. in the BLOCK - D1. of the storeyed building called "REPUBLIC" delineated and coloured in ORANGE colour in the Plan, together with ONE No. Covered Car Parking in the Stilt Level, delineated and coloured GREEN in the Parking Plan, along with Private Open Terrace area Nil sq. ft. [Nil sq. mtrs.) ] delineated coloured BLUE in the Plan.
    326218.30 Sq Ft
    Kovur, Kanchipuram
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
    Bid Increment
    EMD submission
    Wed, 27 Nov 2024 05:00 PM
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Thu, 28 Nov 2024 11:30 AM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Thu, 28 Nov 2024 12:30 PM
    Inspection Date & Time
    25-11-2024 11:00 AM To 03:00 PM
    Bank Contact Details
    Mrs Umaa Gopal - 9442649601 / Mr. Sathish babu M - 9444713218
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