Vacant Land in Neelangarai, Chennai State Bank of India State Bank of India


  • Bank Auction of Vacant Land in Neelangarai, Chennai
  • Bank Auction of Vacant Land in Neelangarai, Chennai
Borrower Name
Mr. Mohandass Nagulan
Bank Name
State Bank of India
Property Type
vacant land
All that vacant lands in "Kazura Gardens" 3' Cross Street, comprised in Old lo.20/2A part of Palavakkam Village, as Per Patta No. 1999, now sub-divided and assigned New No.20/2A1C of Palavakkam Village, formerly Tambaram Taluk, presently Shozinganallur Taluk, Kancheepuram District admeasuring as per document 13.14 Cents or 5737 sq feet, as per patta 5918 .feet, and bounded on the: North by Lands comprised in No.20/2B, South by Lands originally belonged to Ms. Hasina Pravin, now owned by Nahar Foundation's Private Limited, East by Land belongs to S.Syed Ahamed and Irs.Zeenath, West by 24 Feet Road, Kazura Gardens 3" Cross Street SCHEDULE- B: All that vacant lands comprised in Plot No. E, in the Signature Villas Development known as NAHAR AILIS at "Kazura Gardens", 3' Cross Street, Neelankarai, Chennai - 600041, comprised in Old S.No.20/2A part of Palavakkam Village, as Per Old Patta No. 1999, now sub-divided and assigned New S.No.20/2A10 of Palavakkam Village, formerly Tambaram Taluk, presently Shozinganallur Taluk, Kancheepuram District as per New Patta No 4688, admeasuring 440.64 sq.mts or 4742.16 sq.feet as per sub-division plan approved vide SD/WDC15/00020/2013 on 12.02.2013, measuring 5197 sq. feet as per document and physical measurement or thereabouts bounded on the: North by : Lands comprised in S.No.20/2B, South by : Plot No. D, East by : Land belongs to Mr.Syed Ahamed and Mrs.Zeenath West by 24 Feet Road and Land belongings to Nahar Foundation's Private Limited SCHEDULE- (Property conveyed) All that 2598 feet of undivided share of land in Schedule-B mentioned property. SCHEDULE- (Description of Property given as security) Residential Villa constructed in the schedule -B mentioned property bearing Villa No.E1. in the Signature Villas Development known as "NAHAR AILIS" measuring total super built up area of 5065 sq.feet (together with proportionate common area) and the right to use the passage for Ingress and Egress, which will remain common for the four Villas constructed over the Plot D and Plot E and such a covenant is and would be incorporated and made applicable to the other purchasers of the adjoining Villas. Situated within the registration district of Chennai South and Sub-registration District of Neelangarai and within the limits of Corporation of Chennai
13.14 Cents
Neelangarai, Chennai
Reserve Price
Emd Amount
Bid Increment
EMD submission
Mon, 06 Feb 2023 05:00 PM
Auction Start Date & Time
Wed, 08 Feb 2023 02:00 PM
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Auction End Date & Time
Wed, 08 Feb 2023 03:00 PM
Inspection Date & Time
04-02-2023 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Bank Contact Details
Smt. A Kundhavai 8610655836
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