Sri Nagasuru Leela Abhinay (Regd Doc No.2479/2018 Dated.30.08.2018)
ITEM No. II : SPSR Nellore Dist, Guduru Registration, Guduru sub
Registration, Guduru Municipal area and Mandal, East Guduru village,
Sy No.756, Ward No.15, Varadha Nagar (Nehru Nagar) area, Door
No.337-45 Western Side an Extent of 95 Ankanams or 760 Sqyds of
Vacant site in with the Parched Property is UDS 06 Anks or 52 Syds
With in the Following Boundaries by : East : House wall of Pudi
Navanethamma to some exten and Compound wall of Kumpati
Joseph to some extent LM 56 Ft, South: Site of Katamareddy
Dasaradrami Reddy to some extent and the vacant site of Kottu Rudra
Prasad and devanuru Anuradha to some extent LM 122 ft, West :
Municipal Road LM 56 ft, North : Vacant site of yaram Venakat
Subbamma, Sakama Shengamama to some extent And site of
Mannemala Dasaradrami Reddy and other to some extent LM122 ft.
B-Schedule : In Total Site of 95 anks or 760 Sq.yds in the A-Schedule
A Residential Apartment is Constructed under the name and style of
balaji square in 02nd floor flat 203 with common area of an extent of
1140 sft construction of RCC slab flat and 02 car Parking’s in an
extent of 160 sft in stilt floor With in the Following Boundaries by :
East : Open to sky, South : Open to sky, West : Corridor and
Flat No.202, North : Open to sky.