All the Part and parcel of the Property consisting of Zeroity wet Land measuring an full extent of Ac.12.08 cts in which remaining site an extent of Ac. 1.80 cts in which Sri Venkatarama Tiles Company bearing D.No.4-194 was totally removed at present vacant site an extent of Ac. 1.80 cts or 8712 Sq Yds or 7284.1 Sq. in R.S.No.49 1, with all easementry rights in Ramavaram Village, Ramavaram Gram Panchayat, Jaggampeta Mandal, Jaggampeta Sub Registry, East Godavari District. Boundaries : East : Property belongs to Visakha Dairy, South: Some extent of Site belongs to Chakkapalli Veera Venkata Surya Satyanarayana Murthy and others some extent of N.H.5 Road, West : Land belongs to K.S.S.V.V.D. Narasimha Rao, North: Land belongs to Thota Lakshmi Kanthamma.