Schedule A: All that piece and parcel of the vacant Plot No. B situated at Senthamil Nagar, Kattankolathur Village. Chengalpet Tk, Kanchepuram Dt., admeasuring 2742 sq. fts. of land comprised in Old S.No. 90/1 (part), 90/2 (part), 90/3A & 91 New S.No. 90/8, 90/9, 90/10. 90/11, 91/7 & 91/8 within the subregistration district of joint-II Registration district of Chengalpet as bounded by North: Plot No. 1 & 2. South: 23 Ft wide Road and Plot No. C. East: Vacant Land, West: Plot No. A., Measuring on the North Side . 42 Ft. 6 Inches, On the Southern Side - 24 Fts, On the Eastern Side - 71 Fts. 9 Inches and on the Western side - 60 Fts. admeasuring 2742 Sq. fts. of vacant plot. Schedule B: 438 sq. fts. undivided share of land in the schedule A mentioned property with Flat No. F-3 in 1st Floor, B-Block super builtup area of 849 sq. fts. with car parking in the Schedule A mentioned property