Item No.1 Name of Property Owner Rajesh KH Description of of land admeasuring 7.08 Ares along with building having total plinth bearing Door No.X/160A of Mullassery Grama Panchayath improvements right of way and other easementary rights existing Re.Sy. No 142/13 of Mullassery Village Chavakkad Taluk, Thrissur Rajesh KH, more fully described in Sale Deed No 1741/2013 dated Office Mullassery and bounded on North: 12 Ft Way. South: Property Property of Shanil, Vasu and Sunil. West Property Velayudhan property All that part and parcel area of about 3000 Sq.Ft and all other constructions and appurtenant thereon under District and owned by Mr 12.07.2013 of Sub Registrar of Bindu, Bajju etc. East