All that piece and parcel of land admeasuring 23.30 Ares (57.57 cents) along with building thereon measuring about 1600 Sq Ft (Door CP No 7/182 Cherunniyur Panchayath) and all other improvements therein comprised in Re Sy No 180/10 (13.40 Ares) Old Sy 2333 & Re Sy No 180/5 (9.90 Ares) Old Sy 2333/7 in Cherunniyur Village, Varkala Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District and owned by Sukesh M K under Sale deed 1644/2016 dt 04.06.2016, Boundaries: North: Property of Janamma, East: Property of Devaki, West: PWD Road, South: Property of Premadas