Item-3 : All that part and parcel of Land admeasuring 2756 Sq ft (2696 Sq ft on possession as per approved building plan) with building bearing Door No.20C & 21 constructed thereon having an area of about 2115 sq.ft along with all other construction, improvements, and appurtenant thereon. lying in Town Sy No. 3145/1 within Kancheepuram Town, Kancheepuram Taluk, Kancheepuram District, owned by Mr. Loganathan, Mr. Parthasarathy L and Mr. Karthik L more fully described in Partition Deed No. 2407/2000 dated 30.10.2000 of Joint I SRO Kancheepuram and Bounded on North of Loganathan's Site, South of Street, East of Kaja Sahib's site and West of Rathinavel's Site