Item No.3All that part and parcel of Land admeasuring 11 cents along with Residential Building bearing Door No XXXVIII/46 of Kodungallur Muncipality admeasuring 1350 Sq ft in Ward No III of Kodungallur Muncipality along with all other construction, improvements, Easementary Rights existing and appurtenant under thereon situated in Sy No.248/3 within Methala Village, Kodungallur Taluk ,Thrissur District and owned by Mrs.Sathy (Addressee No.4), more fully described In Sale Deed No.2646/95 dated 02.06.1995 and Sale Deed No 2280/80 dated 21.10.1980 ,both of Sub Registrar Office Kodungallur and bounded as follows North : Properties of Sudhakaran and Temple East : Road and properties of Soudhamani South: Properties of Vaduthala West: Thodu