Item No.4All that part and parcel of Land admeasuring 10.711 Cents (10 Cents+0.711 Cents)along with all other construction, improvements, Easementary Rights existing and appurtenant under Ward No III of Kodungallur Muncipality thereon situated in Sy No.248/1 within Methala Village, Kodungallur Taluk ,Thrissur District and owned by Mr. Sudhakaran P K (Addressee No.3), more fully described In Sale Deed No.105/89 dated 10.01.1989 & Sale Deed No.986/99 dated 26.03.1999 of Sub Registrar Office Kodungallur and bounded as follows North :Property of Babu East : Road South : Property of Sathi West :Property of Indiramma