Item No.3: Name of Property Owner: Mr Paul V J and Mr Kadayam Babu, Description of property: All that part and parcel of land admeasuring 116.50 cent along with a Residential Building and with all other constructions, improvements and easementary Rights in Pro Sy No 268/2 of Kanichar Village Peravoor Iritty Thaluk Kannur District More fully described in Sale Deed No.332/2016 of SRO Peravoor BOUNDARIES: North: Property of Valiyil Suresh, South: Peravoor Kottiyoor Road, East: Property of Kallurumbil Saji, Kuttikkandathil Pennamma & Kattuthuruthi Johny, West: Property of Kollothumkara Narayanan and Irambiplackal Ramla.