Item No 1 Name of Property Owner: Mr. Latheef A, Description of property: All that part and parcel of land admeasuring 58.68 Ares (40.47 Ares + 18.21 Ares) along with all constructions, improvements, easementary rights existing and appurtenant thereon situated in Re Sy No. 80/4pt & 80/2pt within Kuttikol Village, Kasaragod Taluk, Kasaragod District and owned by Mr. Latheef A, morefully described in Registered Settlement Deed No. 3751/1999 dated 24-11-1999 & Registered Jenmam Deed No. 3761/2008 dated 20-09-2008 both of Sub Registrar Office Uduma. BOUNDARIES (40.47 Ares land (as per Deed No. 3751/1999): North: Property of Abdul Rahiman, South: Road, East: Property of Ayisha, West: Property of Abdul Rahiman. (18.21 Ares land as per Deed No. 3761/2008): North: Property of Dakshayani and others, South: Property of Latheef, East: Property of Latheef, West: Property of Radhakrishnan Nair