Item No 3: Name of Property Owner: Legal Heirs of Mr C H Abdulla, Description of property: All that part and parcel of land admeasuring 36.01 Ares along with all other constructions, improvements, easementary rights existing and appurtenant thereon situated in Old Sy No. 78/4 pt, 78/4 1Bpt Re Sy No. 234/10 within Madhur Village, Kasaragod Taluk/District and owned by C.H. Abdulla morefully described in Jenmam Sale Deed no 5076/2008 dated 25-09-2008 of Sub Registrar Oflice - Kasaragod. BOUNDARIES : North Property of legal heirs of Abdulla and pathway South Property of Beeran kunhi, East: Property of C.H. Abdulla, West Sold property of Abdulla and Road