All that part and parcel of land admeasuring 7089 Sq. Ft. [3789 Sq. Ft. + 3300 Sq. Ft.] bearing Door No. 139/42 of along with all other constructions, improvements, right of pathway and cart-track, other easementary rights existing and appurtenant thereon situated at Vivekanandar Salai, Nasiyanur Road, Vettukattu Valasu, Erode Corporation under Old No. 126/1A New S. F. No. 147/2 of Erode Village, Erode Taluk, Erode Districtand owned by Mrs Sarojini more fully described in Sale Deed Nos. 1153/1979 and 1155/1979,both dated 14.03.1979 of Sub Registrar Office Erode and Bounded on Boundaries for Part A admeasuring 3789 Sq.Ft: North Site No.1 of Sengottian, East Site No.10 of Karuppana Gounder, Chinnasamy Gounder & Arthanari Gounder, South : Nasiyanur Road, West Site No.12 Boundaries for Part B admeasuring 3300 Sq.Ft: North Site No.13 of EA Manickam, East : Site No. South Erode-Nasiyanur Road, West 25 Feet Wide North-South Road