Item No.7All that part and parcel of land admeasuring 98.74 Ares [41.20 +57.54 Ares]along with Building thereon bearing Door No. VII/456 of Nedumpana Panchayat admeasuring 11617 Sq. ft. (approx) along with all other constructions, improvements, easementary rights existing and appurtenant thereon situated in Old Sy No 2642 L/ 83/101, 83/101/1, 83/101/2, Re Sy No. 391/6 and 391/7 in Block No. 20, within Pallimon Village, Kollam Taluk, Kollam District and owned by Alex M Kumbukadan morefully described in Sale Deed no 2421/2013 dated 29-08-2013 of Sub Registrar Office Kannanalloor [remaining after acquisition of 0.06 Ares for Kallada Irrigation Canal] and bounded on North: Canal, South: Road, East: Property of Thankappan, West: Property of Krishna, Majeed, Alikunju