All that part and parcel of land admeasuring 5.20 Ares along with Building thereon having an area of 9,622 Sq. Ft bearing Door No. XXVI/11A,11B,11C,11D of Punalur Municipal Gramapanchayat along with all other constructions, improvements, easementary rights existing and appurtenant thereon situated in Sy No. 530/29/1(0.15 Ares), 725/139(0.10 Ares), 680/9C(0.35 Ares), 725/139 (1.11 Ares) ,680/7B/14(0.07 Ares), 680/9A (0.91 Ares), 680/9B (0.20 Ares), 680/9/C(0.86 Ares), 680/7B/14(0.18 Ares), 680/7B/13 (0.40 Ares), 680/8/12/1(0.20 Ares), 530 1/29(0.45Ares) and 680/9A(0.22 Ares) within Valakodu Village, Punalur Taluk, Kollam District and owned by Mr. Shine P Jacob, morefully described in Sale Deed no. 1009/1/18 dated 18.04.2018 of Sub Registrar Office Punalur and bounded on North: Properties of Mable Thomas and Sheeja Mathew, South: Properties of Sulaiman Sha and Sheeja Shereef, East: Road, West: Kallada River