All that part and parcel of land measuring 0.0931hectares / 9.31 ares (equivalent to 23.00 cents) along with approx.. 1200 sq.ft. residential building bearing no. IX/41 of Sreenarayanapuram Grama Panchayath and all other usufructs and improvements theron ( with right to way through road on the northern side of the property vide sale deed no. 4028/1995 dated 16.12.1995) in sy. No. 116/16 situated in Ala Desom, Ala Village, Kodungallur Taluk owned by Mr. Sivaprasad.G, Smt. Krishnapriya Sivaprasad, Smt. Lakshmi Sivaprasad and Smt. Nalini (holding life interest), more fully described in settlement deed no. 1420/I/2017 dated 20.06.2017, relinquishment deed no. 1385/I/1998 dated 05.06.1998, relinquishment deed no. 1791/I/1978 dated 25.08.1978, sale deed no. 1792/1966 dated 20.10.1966 and sale deed no. 1500/1960 dated 23.10.1960 of SRO Mathilakam with following boundaries. North : Road East : Property of Vazhapilly Lohithakshan South : Property of Devadas West : Property of Mohammad Haneefa