Item No. 1) All that part and pieces of property having an extent of 109.08 Ares (269.53 Cents) of land with residential building having approx. area of 4400 sq. ft. bearing No IV/9 of Muttom Grama Panchayat and all other improvements in Sy No 506/2A. 506/28/4, 506/28/1 506/2B/2 313/5/1, 314/1/2 Re Sv. No. 431/4 Block No 17 Muttom Village, Thodupuzha Taluk Idukki District in the name of Mr. Joseph Mathai, vide Sale deed No. 2513/1964 dated 12.1964 1260/1966 dated 03.05 1966 and 1042/1988 dated 04 1988 of SRO Arakulam BOUNDED on the North by Property of Joseph Mathai & Way, East by Property of Pappacher Miakkazhiyil Benny Ponthanyeetil & Sail Ezhuthukakarikkal, South by Property of Ramakrishnan Pathinezhukaiathil West by Kokkambu Road Thodu & Property of Ramakrishnan