All that part and parcel of land admeasuring 170 cents(133+9.50+27.50) (1.70 Acres) with Factory Building along with all improvements and usufructs thereon and with mamool rights of way and easmentary rights thereon in survey No.29,30A, T.S.No.62&66, of Thottipalayam Village, Tirupur Taluk & District owned by Mr. B. Muralidharan and Mr B. Vishnuprasanth more fully described in Registered Will Deed No 189/2003 dated 13.06.2003 and Maintenance right release deed No.6888/2011 dated 25.07.2011 of Tiruppur Joint I SRO and bounded as followsBoundaries of 133 cents in SF No 29 South of Property of Mr K.C.Kumarasamy North of Property of Mr.Kondasamy Gounder West of S.F.No.38A East of North-South ItteriBoundaries of 9.50 cents in SF No 29. South of Property of Mr K.C.Kumarasamy North of S.F.No.38A/1 West of S.F.No.30A East of Property of K.C.KumarasamyBoundaries of 27.50 cents in SF No 30A. South of Property of Mr K.C.Kumarasamy S.F.No.38A/1 North of West of Peramanallur Road East of -9.50 Cents land mentioned above