Description of property: Item No.1: All that part and parcel of Land admeasuring 1.50 cents along with Building bearing Door No. 17/239. 240. 241, 242, 242/1 of Kumarapuram Special grade Panchayath having a total built in area of about 1439 Square feet, along with all other construction, improvements, Easement Right existing and appurtenant thereon. in Re Sy No.533/4A in Kumarapuram (Kothanalloor) Village Kalkulam Taluk, Kanyakumari District owned by Mr. Bhavani S M Eddwin Jose, more fully described in the Sale Deed No 926/2006 dated 29.03.2006 of Sub Registrar Office - Thuckalay and bounded on North: Property of Chandrasekharan Nair, South: Property of Chellaian East: Property of Sarojam, West: Road.