All that part and parcel of land admeasuring 10.12 Ares along with all constructions, improvements, easementary rights existing and appurtenant thereon situated in Re Sy No. 395/1-18 in Re Sy Block No. 40 (Old Sy. No. 201, 200/4) within Kottakkal Village, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District and owned by Mr. Abdusalam Alasampattil, morefully described in Settlement Deed No. 518/2018 dated 15-02-2018 of Sub Registrar Office - Kottakkal. BOUNDARIES: (as per Settlement Deed No. 518/2018), North: 8 feet wide road, South: 2nd item property mentioned in deed & Property assigned to Thitheemu, East: Property of Alasampattil Abdusalam, West: Property of Karippathodi Riyas