Residential Land in Badiadka, Kasaragod South Indian Bank South Indian Bank


    Borrower Name
    Muhammed Kunhi T
    Bank Name
    South Indian Bank
    Property Type
    residential land
    Item No.1: Name of Property Owner: Mr. Muhammed Kunhi T, Description of property: All that part and parcel of residential land admeasuring 49.37 Ares [21.85 Ares + 18.21 Ares + 9.31 Ares] and all constructions, improvements, easementary rights existing and appurtenant thereon, situated in Re. Sy No. 5/3Bpt6 [9.31 Ares], 5/3Cpt5 [21.85 Ares], 5/3Dpt1 [18.21 Ares] of Neerchal [21.85 Ares + 18.21 Ares] and Bela [9.31 Ares] Village, Kasaragod Taluk, Kasaragod District owned by Mr. Muhammed Kunhi T, more fully described in Jenmam Sale Deed No. 789/2020 dated 10.03.2020 of Sub Registrar Office Badiadka. BOUNDARIES: North: Property of Subayya Gati, East: Road, South: Road and Property of Mohini, Subayya Gati and West: Property of Subayya Gati.
    49.37 Ares
    Badiadka, Kasaragod
    Reserve Price
    Emd Amount
    EMD submission
    Tue, 25 Jul 2023 04:00 PM
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Wed, 26 Jul 2023 11:00 AM
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