Description of Property: All that piece and parcel of the property comprised in S.F.No. 647/A7A, punjai acre 0.64.0 of land along with building thereon situated at Bargur Village, KS Govindachetty Street, Door No. 215/1, JD Road Bargur. Item No. 1 bounded on North By: House property of G. Selvaraj. South By: Item No. 2 property. East By: House property belongs to B.G. Kaverichetty and others. West By: 20 Ft common pathway Measuring East to West 45 1/2 Ft, North South 24 Ftadmeasuring 1092 Sq Ft. Item No. 2 bounded on: North By: Item No. 1 property. South By: V. Manivannan vacant land. East By: House property of B.C. Chandran West By: 20 Ft common pathway. Measuring East to West 43 Ft, North to South 26 Ft admeasuring 1118 Sq. Ft. Item No. 1 and 2 in total an extent of 2210 Sq. Ft or 205.35 Sq. Mtr of land along with all easementary right and building thereon within the Registration District of Krishnagiri and Sub Registration District of Bargur, which is morefully and particularly described in the title deed No. 2829/2010 Note: The intending purchasers are requested to verify the documents, inspect the property and participate in the auction after satisfying about the title, nature and condition to property. Refund will not be given after sale confirmation in case if there arises any dispute regarding the title or nature of the property.