ALL THAT PIECE AND PARCEL of Land and Building in Door No.24 A & B in Town Survey No.1147, as per Sub-Division Survey No.1147/2 in Chinna Kancheepuram Village, Kancheepuram Town Division I, Kancheepuram District measuring 2832 Square Feet and bounded on the North by: 30 Feet Wide Road, Brindavan Street, South by: Vacant Land (V. Masilamani Mudaliar), East by: R. Selvam No.19 Brindavan Street & West by: T. Lakshmikanthan No.2, Punni Kodeeswaran Street. Measurement: East to West on the Northern Side 27 Feet, East to West on the Southern Side 37 Feet, North to South on the Eastern Side 90 Feet, North to South on the Western Side 87 Feet.Together with the Building constructed thereon including all rights, easement, appurtenances, and privileges there to.