All thal piece and parcel of the Flat Premises No 103 admeasuring about 660.77 Sq. FT Carpet, on 1ST Floor, Building No. 13, A Wing, in the Building Name Avtaar, in Sector 1, Project known as Karrm Residency, to be constructed on the land or ground bearing Survey No. 168/1/1, 166/1/2, 166/2, 167/1, 167/2, 169/2, 170, 172/1 172/2/1 (Part), 172/2/2(Part), 172/2/3, 172/2/4, 172/2/5, 172/2/6, 172/2/7, 172/2/8, 173/101,173/1/2, 178/15, and 179/5, lying and situated at Village Dhasai, Taluka Shahapur, Dist. Thane and registration District Thane and Sub District Shahapur