Flat in Shindwane, Pune Tata Capital Housing Finance Tata Capital Housing Finance


    Borrower Name
    Mr. Gorakh Bansude
    Bank Name
    Tata Capital Housing Finance
    Property Type
    Description of the Immovable Property: Schedule A Property 01 :• All The Piece And Parcel Of Immovable Property Beanng Flat No 705, on the 7th Flom of Building kb, came', area Admeasuring 509 Sq Feet I.e. 4729 Sq. Meters. Along Wth AcOacerit Terrace AdmeasurIng Area about 82 Sq. Feet, I e. 7.62 Sq. Meter, and Along With One Covered Car Parking Adrneasuring Area about 9.29 Sq, Mars, In The Project Known As ' Aapla Ghar Utallkanchan Corstruded On Land Beating New Gal No, 751 & 752 cf Mole ll Shin:Mane. Ta Havel( Di. , Puns. Bounded as lotion : East By : Gat No. 773, West By : Gat No. 754, 752, North By Gat No. 774, And Lake, South By Gal No, 756, 757. Property 02 :- All The Flax) And Parcel Of immovable Property Bearing Flat No. 706, on the 71h Floor, oi Bulking A-5, carpet area Admerteuring 509 Sq. Feet, I.e. 41.29 Sq. Meters, Along WM Adjacent Terrace Admiralty Area about 82 Sq Feet, i.e. 7.62 Sq. Meter, and Along With One Covered Car Parking Admeasuring Ars about 9,29 Sq. Meters, In The Project grown As Apia Ghw Uralikanchan Constructed On Land Bearing New Gal No. 751 & 752, of Mole VIII : Shindwane, Ta : Havel. Di, : Pune. Bounded as follows: Fast By Gat Na 751. Weal Road. North By Lake (Part Of Gat No. 754 South By : Gat No. 753.
    509 Sq Ft
    Shindwane, Pune
    Reserve Price
    Reserve Price (per Sq Ft)
    2,210 per Sq Ft
    Emd Amount
    Bid Increment
    EMD submission
    Tue, 28 Mar 2023 05:00 PM
    Auction Start Date & Time
    Wed, 29 Mar 2023 02:00 PM
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    Auction End Date & Time
    Wed, 29 Mar 2023 03:00 PM
    Contact Details for Support
    Authorised officer 8588983696
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