Description of the Immovable Property: Krishna District, Vijayawada District Registrar, Nandigama SRO, Chandarlapadu Mandal, Muppalla Panchayat and Revenue Village situated in R. S. No. 225/4, 225/5 layout was approved by APCRDA vide L.P.No. 28/2016, layout plan Plot No. 28 total admeasuring 147 Sq.Yds open plot being bounded by East: Layout Plan 40-0 Ft Wide Road -- 34-8’ Ft , South: Plot No. 27 -- 45-0’ Ft West: Other Land -- 23-4’ Ft, North: Other Land -- 46-5’ Ft Within the said boundaries an extent of 147 Sq.Yds or 122.91 Sq.Mts, of vacant site along with Easement rights.