All that the piece and parcel of site in an extent of Sq.145.2 yards in R.S.No.193/2, sit- uated at Nagavarappadu Village, Gudiwada Municipal Area and Gudiwada Mandal, Gudiwada Sub-Registry, Krishna District stand- ing on the name of Mrs Mondru Sunitha vide Registered Sale Deed No.896/2017 and bounded as follows:- Boundaries:- East: Site belongs to Ganta Nirmala Kumari Sft 42.6 South: House & Site belongs to Arikipati Yesumma Sft 29.6 West: Municipal Road Sft 45.0 North: Site belongs to Malireddy Vijaya Rami Reddy & Naidu Sft 30.0. Within the boundaries an extent of Sq.145.2 Yards vacant site Sq. 121.40 Mts.