All that peace and Parcel of Immovable Property premises of Flat No.203. Admeasuring 563 Sq. fts i.e. 52.30 Sq. mtrs Super built up area & admeasuring 338.00 sq. fts i.e 31.40 Sq. mtrs built up area along with Proportionate Undivided share in ground land Second Floor. Gokul Residency, B Vibhag Developed upon land situated in state Gujarat, District Surat, Sub-District & Taluka Palsana, Moje Kadodara bearing Revenue Survey No. 133/5, Block No. 123, N.A Land Paikee, Developed as Gokul Nagar Plot Nos admeasuring 289.85 Sq. mtrs Which is bounded as under East Flat No. 202 West- Flat No. 204 Passage & Flat No. 206 South-Adj Plot