"All that part & parcel of the property consisting of one residential flat no E-2/3 on the 5th floor of CHANDRA TOWER' having super built up area 1530 sq ft. CS plot no 120 corresponding to RS plot no 870,871 & 873, present survey plot no 1922(a.b.c) recorded under CS khata no. 1 Present survey khata no.830, Thana no-1641. ward no-9 of MNAC. Pargana-Dhaibhum within the Mouza- Dimna. Jamshedpur, East Singhbhum, Jharkhand The flat is bounded as follows:- By North:- Flat No-E/1,By South:- Flat No:- E/4. By East:- - Dimna Main Road, By West:- Flat No-E/8*