All that piece and parcel of undeveloped converted land property bearing Sy.No. 1/3, which measuring 13 guntas, situated at Gidadakonenahalli Village, Yeshwantapura Hobli. Bangalore North Taluk, in vide: conversion Order dated 07/04/2005 in Conversion Order No.ALN(N)SR 362/2004-05, for residential use, issued by Deputy Commissioner, Bangalore District, Bangalore and bounded on: East by Remaining portion of land bearing Sy.No.1/ & Sy.No.1/5 West by: BDA Road, North by: remaining portion of Sy.No.1/3, South by: BDA road. Schedule"B" Property - Undivided Share 274.88 sqft undivided share, right,title and interest of the land in the total land of Schedule "A" property referred to above Schedule"C" Property . Flat bearing No.001 in ground floor measuring 1227 Sq.ft of super built up area, constructed over the above property containing 2 bed rooms, kitchen, dining, toilet/s, living room with one car parking bearing No.001 in the apartment known as 'DS MAX SANTRUPTI NEST" together with an undivided share, right title and interest of land in the total land of the above referred property, along with water electricity together with common area such as passages, lobbies, lifts, staircase and other areas for common use with 274.88 Sq.Ft. undivided share, right, title and interest of the land in the total landed property referred above and bounded on: East by: Open to Sky, West by: Flat No.005, North by: Open to Sky. South by: Flat No .002